Thursday, April 3, 2014

Tell me you've all been through this before...

    Attention all current or former college students! Have you ever had those few weeks every semester where you've got like 4 massive assignments due all around the same time and no motivation to do any of them? It almost seems like they all banded together to make you pull your hair out. Of course this isn't what actually happens, but it is an amusing thought I suppose. I'm in that few week stretch right now and I've got no idea where to begin. I've got two papers and a computer program to write, as well as a test coming up. I want to do the more difficult one first, the trick is figuring out which one that is. Anybody have any strategies they'd like to share that help motivate them to work? I'm sure myself and anyone else going through this "hell week" would love to get a few tips.

Monday, March 31, 2014

My Thoughts on Titanfall

    Titanfall was probably one of the games I looked forward to the most so far this year. I mean, who wasn't excited by what was looking to be one of the most interesting and revolutionary mech shooters ever made. What's even better is that it isn't all mechs, your basic soldier, or pilot, is a very capable fighter on his own, able to wallrun, double jump, and move very quickly. Sometimes, its safer to take on other mechs, or Titans, with your basic pilot rather than another Titan. The game achieves a balance that is rare to see in asymmetric game design. Your Pilot is quick, nimble, versatile , and every bit as deadly as the giant, durable, well equipped with powerful weapons, but slower Titans, assuming you know how to take advantage of their strengths. I highly reccomend this game... but not for sixty dollars.

     Allow me to explain my opinion here. What's there in Titanfall is amazing. Incredibly well-balanced gameplay, the sheer epicness of using Titans, and just plain fun in multiplayer. The problem with Titanfall is what isn't there. Even in the multiplayer, there aren't a huge variety of guns to choose from. Pilots only have about ten primary weapons to choose from, Titans only six. Pilots only have a few anti-Titan weapons, to pick from, only a few explosives and tactical abilities, and that just isn't really enough. The weapons you do have are very different from each other, and there's just enough to accomodate different playstyles, but I would've liked a bit more variety there. Instead of giving us just one shotgun to choose, give us a few shotguns that have different stats, like one that favors a bit of range losing some damage, or one that also has less damage than the EV-8 but a higher fire rate. There is a multiplayer campaign, but it's basically multiplayer matches with narration in the background. There are two campaigns, one for the IMC and one for the Militia. Each one clocks in about two hours, leaving you with a four hour campaign. For a sixty dollar game, that's pathetic. And whether you win or lose, the story plays out the same way. You can get the floor wiped with you, but somehow at the end of the match you still complete your objective. They might as well have not even bothered with a campaign mode.

    Overall, I still love this game to death, and I still recommend picking this up sometime, but don't pay full price for it. It's only worth forty dollars at most, but it'll be a forty dollars well spent if you can find it for that price. If you have an XBox One, definitely try to rent it
first. If you want it for PC, try and get it on sale. You should get this game but it is not worth its current price. If you can get it though, I can promise you one thing, you will enjoy it.